How to clear chrome browser history in android delete browser history in android.In this example of built - in chrome history to delete/clear in your application through when click your application button and clear history in chrome you want to searches history.
Use This Method
private void clearHistoryChrome() { ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); if (canClearHistory(contentResolver)){ deleteHistory(contentResolver,null); } }
private void deleteHistory(ContentResolver cr, String whereClause) { String CONTENT_URI = "content://"; String CONTENT_URI1 = "file:///"; Uri URI = Uri.parse(CONTENT_URI); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = cr.query(URI, new String[]{"url"}, whereClause, null, null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { final WebIconDatabase iconDb = WebIconDatabase.getInstance(); do { // Delete favicons // TODO don't release if the URL is bookmarked iconDb.releaseIconForPageUrl(cursor.getString(0)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); cr.delete(URI, whereClause, null); } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.i("DEBUG_", "deleteHistoryWhere IllegalStateException: " + e.getMessage()); return; } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } Log.i("DEBUG_", "deleteHistoryWhere: GOOD"); }
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